And if to be a European citizen, means above all to live in Europe, to circulate there and to meet the other one there ? Is not the artist who perform in the public place, who creates in the heart of the society, with the population, a major actor of this physical and symbolic movement ? Does not the artistic mobility have a central role to play in the construction of a common citizenship, consciousness and imagination ? When "Europe" rhymes especially with "economic crisis", don't we have, more than ever, need to reintroduce the human being in our approach of the European construction?
We will share this series of questioning with the artists (from France, England, Spain, Macedonia...), the partners of the European network ZEPA (European Zone for Artistic Projects) and the cultural actors present during the FAR, who will share their feelings and their adventures, from every corner of the world.
Time of exchange led ty par Anne Gonon, journalist and author specialized in Street Arts and Patrick Sandford, Southampton's Nuffield Theatre director (ZEPA european network), initiated by the National Centre for Street Arts Le Fourneau and Spectacle Vivant en Bretagne, in partnership with la Fédération des Arts de la Rue Bretagne.
Thursday 5th August 2010 at 10h10 am
Headquarters of Morlaix Communauté - Cour des Artistes de la Manufacture de Tabacs
kindly put at Le Fourneau's disposal by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Morlaix, owner and rehabilitator of the site
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Information, contact : Caroline Raffin
Le Fourneau, 11 Quai de la Douane, 29200 Brest
tél: 02 98 46 19 46; fax: 02 98 46 22 76